About us

Serving as an administrative arm of the Government of Bermuda, the purpose of Consumer Affairs is to consistently deliver proficient and professional services that: (i) empowers consumers to make informed consumer decisions, (ii) effectively protects consumer rights and (iii) encourages compliance and self-regulation by commercial enterprises, debt collection businesses and residential landlords.

In support of its purpose, the mission of Consumer Affairs is to:

“To operate with integrity, transparency and efficiency in the fulfillment of its mandate and the protection of consumer interests.”

What we do

Consumer Affairs has the authority to supervise, monitor and regulate businesses providing consumer goods and services within Bermuda, in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act 1999, industry specific legislation and any Ministerial Regulations or Directions.

Pursuant to formal delegation by the Minister of Home Affairs, Consumer Affairs has been afforded the authority to supervise, monitor and regulate landlord and tenant residential matters in accordance with the Rent Increases (Domestic Premises) Control Act 1978, sectoral legislation and any Ministerial Regulations or Directions. Properties falling under the Rent Increases (Domestic Premises) Control Act 1978 are considered to be “rent controlled properties”.

Following the enactment of the Debt Collection Act 2018 in October 2020, sectoral legislation and Ministerial Regulations, Consumer Affairs has been appointed with the authority to supervise, monitor and regulate the commercial activities of registered debt collection businesses operating within Bermuda.

Consumer Goods & Services
Landlord and Tenant rent control
Debt Collection

Who we are

In support of the Consumer Affairs Board, the Consumer Affairs staff is comprised of a small team of dedicated individuals that play a critical role in supporting the development of a dynamic and innovative Bermuda economy by building consumer trust and confidence.

Consumer Affairs is dedicated to serving Bermuda’s consumers and retailers. It is the mission of the Consumer Affairs staff to strive for regulatory excellence at all times while operating with the highest standards of integrity, efficiency and service.

Our dedicated team is comprised of the following members:

Karen Marshall
Executive Officer

Enforcement Officer

Rhonda Daniels
Enforcement Officer

Thomas Matvey
Enforcement Officer

Business & Community Liaison Officer

Heather Marshall
Administrative Officer

Patrice Simmons
Administrative Assistant

Lavonne Bean
Administrative Assistant

Executive Officer
Enforcement Officer
Business & community LIAISON Officer
Administrative officer
Administrative assistant