Reasons to contact consumer affairs

As part of its regulatory obligations Consumer Affairs and Rent Control is responsible for interacting with and assisting the general public with a number of different types of formal submissions.

Such formal submissions include: 

Informal Inquiries: Appreciating that there will be instances where consumers, tenants, landlords and debt collection agencies may seek further clarity on a matter they may be facing, the general public is welcome to contact Consumer Affairs (i.e. telephone, e-mail, social media) in order to informally request the assistance and guidance of the Consumer Affairs staff.

Formal Complaints: In conjunction with its regulatory and supervisory responsibilities, Consumer Affairs assists with the handling of formal consumer complaints against:

  • Commercial enterprises participating in “unfair business practices” and/or “unconscionable consumer representations”
  • Landlords of Rent Controlled properties (i.e. properties with an Annual Rental Value of$22,800.00 or less);
  • Debt collection agencies participating in “unfair debt collection practices”.

Rent Increase Requests: Consumer Affairs is tasked with the administrative responsibility of assessing the merits of and approving Rent Increase Requests from landlords of Rent Controlled properties (i.e. properties with an Annual Rental Value of $22,800.00 or less).

Rent Confirmation Requests: Consumer Affairs is tasked with the administrative responsibility of responding to Rent Confirmation requests (i.e. the current registered rent) from the landlords and/or tenants of Rent Controlled properties (i.e. properties with an Annual Rental Value of$22,800.00 or less) real estate agencies and law firms.

User Feedback: As part of its ongoing effort to strive towards achieving customer service excellence, Consumer Affairs welcomes the general public to provide user feedback regarding the quality of service provided by Consumer Affairs.

The purpose of this page is to afford users with guidance on how to effectively submit a formal complaint, rent increase request or rent confirmation request. (please see below for contact information)

Mailing Address:

D. Rego Building, 3rd Floor,

75 Reid Street, Hamilton, HM 12

Consumer Affairs Telephone: (441) 297-7627

Rental Unit Telephone: (441) 297-7700

Fax: (441) 295-6892


Formal Complaints
rent increase
rent confirmation request

Submit a Consumer Complaint

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Attachments are required and must include all correspondence with the service provider complained of and any supporting evidence.

User Consent for Consumer Affairs To Proceed

By submitting a consumer complaint through the Consumer Affairs website, I give consent to Consumer Affairs to:
  1. Contact the service provider involved in this complaint, and provide detailed information which may include my personal contact details;
  2. Request copies of any additional documentation related to this complaint from the complainant and/or the service provider;
  3. Use facts contained in my complaint when contacting the service provider regarding the complaint.
  4. Consumer Affairs has my consent to use facts contained in my dispute as an example of where things may be improved, and Consumer Affairs agrees to respect my privacy and keep my personal information strictly confidential except as authorised above.
  5. I have read and understood the outlined process by which Consumer Affairs handles complaints and the extent to which Consumer Affairs can assist.

Terms of Service

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Rent Increase Request

Max file size 10MB.
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Please attach the appropriate Rent Increase Form (RC-2, RC-7, RC-8). Rent increase applications submitted without a completed Rent Increase Form will not be administered and your application will be considered incomplete.

Proof of ownership of a rent controlled property and/or proof of occupation of a rent controlled property must be included as part of any Rent Increase Request (i.e. copy of legal deeds reflecting legal title/ownership of rent controlled property, copy of signed tenancy agreement between tenant and landlord, copies of bank statements reflecting monthly rent payments, copies of landlord produced invoices reflecting rent payment via cash).

Your Permission For Rent Control To Proceed

By submitting a Rent Increase Request through the Consumer Affairs website, I give consent to Rent Control to:
  1. Contact the applicant involved in this rent increase application, and request the applicant to provide detailed information which may include personal contact details;
  2. Request copies of any additional documentation related to this rent increase application from the applicant;
  3. Use facts contained in the rent increase application when contacting the applicant provider regarding the rent increase application;
  4. Use facts contained in my rent increase application as an example of where things may be improved, and Rent Control agrees to respect my privacy and keep my personal information strictly confidential except as authorised above; and
  5. Undertake the administrative processes necessary for Rent Control to administer the received rent increase application and the extent to which Rent Control can assist.

Terms of Service

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Rent Confirmation Request

Max file size 10MB.
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Proof of ownership of a rent controlled property, or proof of occupation of a rent controlled property must be included as part of any Rent Confirmation Request (i.e. copy of legal deeds reflecting legal title/ownership of rent controlled property, copy of signed tenancy agreement between tenant and landlord, copies of bank statements reflecting monthly rent payments, copies of landlord produced invoices reflecting rent payment via cash).

Your Permission For Rent Control To Proceed

By submitting a consumer complaint through the Consumer Affairs website, I give consent to Rent Control to:
  1. Contact the applicant involved in this rent confirmation request and request the applicant to provide detailed information which may include personal contact details;
  2. Request copies of any additional documentation related to this rent confirmation request from the applicant;
  3. Use facts contained in the rent confirmation request when contacting the applicant regarding the rent confirmation request;
  4. Use facts contained in the rent confirmation request as an example of where things may be improved, and Rent Control agrees to respect my privacy and keep my personal information strictly confidential except as authorised above; and
  5. Undertake the administrative processes necessary for Rent Control to administer the received rent confirmation request and the extent to which Rent Control can assist.

Terms of Service

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User Feedback Form

The Department of Consumers supports the Government of Bermuda’s priority of improving the quality of civil services provided to the citizens of Bermuda. Please use this form to provide Consumer Affairs with suggestions, compliments or complaints. All feedback provided is important to Consumer Affairs as it provides guidance as to how Consumer Affairs may improve upon the services it provides.
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